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Middle School Improv Summer Camp!

OKC Improv's Annual Kids' Improv Summer Camp is back! Enjoy 5 days of laughs, getting creative and (most importantly) having a blast! There are 2 different weeks of camp (you choose which week works best for you). THESE CAMPS ARE TYPICALLY ON A WAITLIST SO MAKE SURE YOU GRAB YOU SPOT TODAY!!!



Improvisational comedy helps children unleash their creative energies and imaginations! During this 5-day camp, your children will learn about the power of positivity! They will learn to find the fun through laughter, their fellow campers, and the potential of “yes, and!” Prior performance experience is not required - we will teach them the skills they need to know!


All students will be taught by experienced OKC Improv instructors, teaching confidence-building qualities like stage presence, public speaking, listening, and team-building.



Camp 1 will be Monday June 9th - Friday June 13th starting at 10:00 AM and end at 3:00 PM (Drop-off begins at 9:30 AM) | SATURDAY JUNE 14TH AT 4:30PM (3:30PM CALL-TIME) IS THE END OF CAMP PERFORMANCE.


Camp 2 will be Monday June 23th - Friday June 27th starting at 10:00 AM and end at 3:00 PM (Drop-in begins at 9:30 AM) | SATURDAY JUNE 28TH AT 4:30PM (3:30PM CALL-TIME) IS THE END OF CAMP PERFORMANCE.

***There will be a 30 minute lunch break and two small snack breaks. Please pack a lunch and drink for your child (for allergy purposes, no peanuts or peanut butter products please). You can also pack snacks (for our snack breaks) or we will have some snacks for sale during the camp if your child brings cash to purchase a snack.



Our camp will culminate in a student showcase that is fun and family friendly! Join OKC Improv as we open a world of inspiration for your young artists. Performance times for each camp are:

Camp 1 Performance Showcase will be on Saturday, June 14th, 2025 at 4:30PM (with a 3:30pm call-time for performers)

Camp 2 Performance Showcase will beon Saturday June 28th, 2025 at 4:30PM (with a 3:30pm call-time for performers)

All instructors are vetted and have the appropriate background checks.

Prerequisites: For ages 11-13

Middle School Improv Summer Camp!


Refunds are available BEFORE June 2nd. To request a refund, contact using the subject line "Class Refund."

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