Students are expected to show up to class early enough to be ready to work at the time class begins. If students are late (more than 10 minutes) two times, it counts as an absence.
Students are expected to miss no more than two classes during a term in order to perform in the Student Showcase. If a make-up class is needed, speak with your instructor.
If students miss four or more classes during a term, they may not move into the next level. If you need or want to repeat a level, discounts are available.
Students are encouraged to take notes and document their learning in ways that best fit their learning preferences and abilities.
Students are expected to support and respect each other and their instructors.
Students are expected to have no altered states due to alcohol, drugs or any mind-altering substance during classes and performances. Failure to adhere to this can result in a temporary or permanent ban from the stage at the discretion of the OKC Improv Board of Directors.
Students are expected to wear appropriate attire for performances (See “Dress Code”)
Students are expected to see two shows per term to advance to the next level. Student admission prices are free for currently enrolled students during the term. There is a sign-in sheet at the box office to get your show wristband. If you have conflicts with show evenings, speak with your instructor.
Students are encouraged to volunteer for shows and events at the venue to build experience and expand their networking opportunities. Student Internships are also available to help reduce class and workshop costs, as well as to network and build experience. Email volunteercoordinator@okcimprov.com for more information.
OKC Improv Foundation is a non-profit community arts organization devoted to building a thriving improvisational comedy and theater scene in Oklahoma by providing regular performance opportunities for area improvisers and by working to raise awareness and understanding of improv as an art form among audiences and practitioners through publicity, outreach, and education including ongoing classes and workshops.
Every student has a right to learn in a safe, respectful, inclusive, and supportive environment. Creative pursuits require trust and support, and our first job before all others is to create a safe and supportive environment so that the learning, creation, and performance we each come here to pursue can occur.
It is our sincerest hope that each and every one of us is taking personal inventory of our words and actions and making appropriate choices to help foster a loving and
supportive artistic environment. Every single person in this community has an affirmative right to the peaceful enjoyment of this art form we so enjoy, and with that we owe it to each other to embrace all other performers with an open mind and an accepting heart.
We do not shy away from controversial topics, and all students have the right to express themselves without a fear of censorship or judgment – but content dealing with race, gender, sexuality, etc. must treat these topics (and the individuals affected by them) in a creative, intelligent manner that demonstrates empathy – and never in the spirit of hurtfulness or mockery.
If a student is ever uncomfortable with the subject matter displayed, performed, or referenced or is given an assignment that makes them uncomfortable, they may raise these concerns with their instructor or a member of the staff.
Inappropriate class conduct includes, but is not limited to:
Engaging in discriminatory behavior related to an individual’s sex (gender), race, national origin, ancestry, color, religion, age, genetic information, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, education status; or disability, or the use of a guide or support animal for disability, or relationship to a person with a disability, with other students or the the course instructor. Notwithstanding, we recognize that greater tolerance is necessary for verbal or non-verbal expression or language pertaining to a protected characteristic made during the course of an artistic performance or theatrical production when such expression or language is related to the theme or message of the performance or production and not devoid of any literary, artistic or political value.
Inappropriate verbal, physical or sexual conduct with other students or the class instructor.
Consumption of drugs, alcohol, or use of tobacco products (including e-cigarettes) during class. Tobacco products may be used during breaks, but it must be outside the building.
Participating in class in an altered state, for example: under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
Destruction of the physical classroom space, including but not limited to: ceilings, walls, floors, chairs, lights, doors, and other property.
Bringing uninvited guests to class
Talking while the instructor is talking or while your classmates are performing
Giving critiques/notes to other students on their performance during class.
Inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated and will result in removal from class. Any violation is typically addressed first by the instructor, then by the Education Director, and then by removal from the class – but depending on the severity of a conduct problem a student may be removed from a class at any time. Refunds will not be given to students who are removed from a class due to conduct.
Students who exhibit any type of inappropriate behavior as described, or behavior not described here, but that would be deemed inappropriate by a reasonable person, may be subject to suspension or termination.
The expectation to treat each other with mutual respect is not only limited to the classroom. Therefore, any incidents of inappropriate behavior that involve another student, instructor, volunteer, board, or staff member that take place outside the classroom may also rise to the level of suspension or termination.
We encourage all students and instructors to treat each other with mutual respect at all times. Students who feel they have been wronged in any way by a fellow student, an instructor, or any staff, board, or volunteer have the right to file a written complaint as outlined in the “Complaint Reporting Procedures” section. For the purposes of a thorough, effective, investigation timeliness of reporting complaints is critical.
Students are expected to wear appropriate attire for performances, including:
No big logos/words (except OKCI/Troupe shirts)
No excessive holes/rips in clothing
No revealing clothing
No reflective or dangling jewelry (including watches, earrings, and necklaces)
No flip-flops or sandals.
(Exceptions may be made for troupe or theme specific performances)
The reasoning behind the performance dress code is to uphold professionalism on our stage and also to help ensure safety for our performers and our audience. The reason for no reflective jewelry, for instance, is to reduce light refraction into the audience. A glass watch face may frequently send light into the audiences’ eyes, causing discomfort and/or possible epilepsy response. The reason for no dangling jewelry is that it can get caught in a team member’s clothes/fingers and get pulled causing injury. No flip-flops/sandals is to help ensure stable footing and to reduce the risk of possible injury. If you have questions about the dress code, please ask your instructor, the Education Director, or any other member of the staff.
Wear comfortable clothing to class -- something you can roll around on the floor in and not worry about. Be prepared for an active class.
• Refrain from physical contact to neck, head, chest, or genital areas. Touching someone’s face in a scene gently is generally acceptable, but holding or twisting their head is unsafe.
• It is extremely difficult to safely simulate hitting, slapping, or other violence in improvisation without stage combat training and practice with the consenting scene partners. Refrain from all actions of this type in class and in your class shows. Refrain from slapping or hitting anyone.
• Do not kiss, grope, or fondle scene partners (If you are in a troupe, your troupe may have different requirements, but these are not allowed in student shows).
• Do not pick up anyone unless they explicitly agree to be picked up.
• Do not pull or grab clothes or hair.
• Never remove anyone else’s eyeglasses.
• Do not jump on anyone’s back without explicit consent from them.
• Inform your teacher and teammates about any physical injuries or limitations prior to class and class shows.
You must be 18 years of age or older to sign up for classes/workshops. Exceptions may be made for someone who turns 18 during the course, with parent/guardian permission. There is a Teen Class for ages 13-17 (exceptions may be made for 12 year olds with parent/guardian permission). There is a Kids Camp for ages 7-17.
In the event that classes are canceled or postponed, students will be contacted. If you do not hear from us, assume that classes will proceed as planned.
We will attempt to reschedule a class that is canceled or postponed due to weather, however it is not guaranteed it will be viable for all students’ schedules.
We reserve the right to postpone or cancel a full session if it does not reach a minimum number of students.
If an individual class is canceled due to an unforeseen teacher conflict, a substitute will be arranged. If a substitute is unavailable, the teacher will work with the class to schedule a makeup, however it is not guaranteed it will be viable for all students’ schedules.
A refund does not apply for factors that impact a student’s decision outside of class, such as, but not limited to: scheduling conflicts, timing preferences, location preferences, and general anxiety.
If you withdraw before the class starts, or before the second class session, you will receive a full refund for the class.
If you withdraw after the second class session, you will not receive a refund, but if you have completed less than half of the class (before week four) and request one, we may give you a 50% credit for a future class.
If a session of classes is canceled by OKC Improv, you will receive a full refund.
As a theater that will be serving alcohol it is important that we are all onboard with expectations regarding drinking alcohol at the theater, in the green room, the classroom, or anywhere in the building or the immediate vicinity. It is a serious issue regarding our license, our financial well being, and for maintaining professionalism.
A) We are NOT funnier when we are drunk. We understand that sometimes one drink early in the evening helps you unwind from a stressful day and make new
friends. Beyond this “standard,” it is not acceptable on stage or while you are a student and/or performing with us. If you are under 21 don’t even think of drinking on-site.
B) After the show you may join us in the theatre or lobby to enjoy drinking and watching the shows. Please do not “hang” in the greenroom or classroom. It’s not our bar. It’s for warmups and show-preparation.
C) Please be safe and respectful while imbibing alcohol at the venue. Know your limits and do not exceed your ability to make sound judgements and maintain appropriate behaviors.
OKC Improv prohibits all persons who enter the property from carrying a handgun, firearm, knife, explosive, or other prohibited weapon of any kind regardless of whether the person is licensed to carry the weapon or not. The only exception to this policy will be police officers, security guards or other persons who have been given written consent by OKC Improv and are permitted by law to carry a weapon on the property. Violation of this policy is grounds for discipline, including immediate dismissal.
It is the policy of Oklahoma City Improv Foundation (“OKCI”) to maintain a working, performing and learning environment free from sexual, racial, age-based, religious, ethnic, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, and any other form of forbidden harassment of any OKCI board or staff members, intern, performer or student. Such harassment in any manner or form is expressly prohibited. It is also the policy of OKCI that no individual be subjected to any unwelcome conduct that is or should be known to be offensive because of his or her gender, race, age, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, or other protected category.
OKCI recognizes that, as a comedy theater, the environment is not typical of all workplaces. The work that we do can sometimes veer toward being “blue” or “R-rated,” and the atmosphere of OKCI community is social as well as professional. It is not the intention of OKCI to mimic an office environment. While this may require a more nuanced reading of social cues than the more clearly defined office environment, it is the hope of OKCI that with a combination of communication, common sense, respect, and empathy, the community can create an environment that prioritizes safety.
All reported or reasonably suspected occurrences of forbidden harassment will be investigated (in accordance with the procedures outlined below) in a confidential manner and as promptly and thoroughly as is practicable and necessary. Where forbidden harassment has occurred, OKCI will take appropriate disciplinary, educational, or other corrective action, up to and including termination from a staff position, the loss of ability to perform or be in the audience at the Theater, or the immediate revocation of a student’s ability to take classes at OKCI.
There will be no retaliation against an individual who has complained about or reported alleged forbidden harassment or who has cooperated with an investigation of alleged forbidden harassment, regardless of the outcome of the investigation.
Performers and instructors who are applying to perform or instruct at OKCI who are outside of the general OKCI community shall be required to sign acknowledgement of receipt and understanding of the misconduct policy before being scheduled to perform or teach.
Sexual Harassment in a Theater Environment:
• Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to:
- Unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendoes, or taunts about a person's body, attire, gender, or sexual orientation outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
- Negative stereotyping of race, gender, gender identity, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, ability, or other status
protected by law outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
- Any unwanted or inappropriate physical contact such as touching, kissing, massaging, patting, hugging, or pinching outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
- Unwelcome inquiries or comments about a person's sex life or sexual preference outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
- Leering, whistling, or other suggestive or insulting sounds outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
- Inappropriate comments about clothing, physical characteristics, or activities outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
- Posting or displaying materials, articles, or graffiti that is sexually oriented outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
- Requests or demands for sexual favors, especially those that include, or imply, promises of rewards for complying (e.g., job advancement opportunities) and/or threats of punishment for refusal (e.g., denial of job advancement or
opportunities) outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
- Attempting to engage in sexual behaviors offstage that are choreographed for the stage; boundaries;
- Repeated invitation/suggestion to take relationships of a sexual nature beyond the stage;
- Improvising sexual content without expressed consent.
Hostile Environment Harassment
Hostile environment sexual harassment may occur when there are unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Also, non-sexual conduct that is unwelcome and offensive and which is directed at an individual because of the individual’s gender may create a hostile environment. Racial, age-based, religious, ethnic, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, and other forbidden forms of harassment may occur when there is conduct which is motivated by or relates to an individual’s race, age, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, or other characteristics protected by law or policy. Hostile environment harassment occurs when such conduct is sufficiently severe or pervasive to and does: (i) unreasonably interfere with an individual’s work, performance or ability to learn, or (ii) create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work, performance or learning environment.
“Quid Pro Quo” Sexual Harassment
“ Quid Pro Quo” sexual harassment may occur when there are unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (i) submission to such conduct is an explicit or implicit condition of employment, performance ability or student advancement, or (ii) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment, performance, or educational advancement decisions.
Special Note on Civility and Professionalism
OKCI believes the best way to avoid situations that may be construed as harassment is for all OKCI board and staff members, interns, students, or featured performers to treat each other in a respectful and professional manner. OKCI may, in the future, offer insights or guidelines on creating an environment of civility, but ultimately, respect is at the core of this philosophy.
Special Note on Performance Harassment
Given the nature of performances at OKCI and in classes of material that, in some cases, could be considered offensive to some, it is not the policy of OKCI to punish individuals or to stifle the creative abilities of performers whose artistic expression may be considered offensive to others. However, if it is determined that the offensive content of the performance was done in an effort to harass a particular individual from the stage or to express the performer’s hatred and/or intolerance to a protected individual or group, then appropriate disciplinary action may occur. Additionally, if it is determined that an individual performer or group of performers is pervasively offensive or harassing in their performances, disciplinary or corrective action may occur. Furthermore, if it is determined that behavior that was done without intent to harass but has nevertheless caused discomfort, fear, or other feelings of harassment in members of the community or audience, this behavior (at the time it is identified to leadership of OKCI) will be pointed out to the performer or performers responsible. If the identified behavior is not remedied, corrective action may occur.
- In a theatrical context, harassment can be additionally defined as one or a series of comments or conduct of a gender-related or sexual nature outside the boundaries of consent or production content, which is known or ought reasonably be known to be unwelcome/unwanted, offensive, intimidating, hostile, or inappropriate. It is worth noting that the higher the potential for an adverse response an action has, the higher the risk of potential policy violation for the person committing the action in question.
Participants have the right to be free from
- Sexual solicitation or advance made by a person in a position to confer, grant, or deny a benefit or advancement outside production content;
- Reprisal or threat of reprisal for the rejection of a sexual solicitation or advance where the reprisal is made by a person in a position to grant, confer, or deny a benefit or advancement outside production content.
- Any of the behaviors outlined here have the potential to create a negative environment for individuals or groups. It should be noted that a person does not have to be a direct target to be adversely affected by a negative environment. It is understood that creative atmospheres are not always “emotionally sanitary”—they can safely be bawdy, profane, vulgar, and challenging. We assert that having (a) a practice of building consent and (b) an environment that allows for response to clear boundary violations can broaden our opportunity to be challenging and fearless in our work.
- Concerns about harassment, safety, or a negative environment should be reported using the concern resolution path (starting with level one wherever possible), and all concerns should be treated with the utmost respect for the safety and well-being of all participants.
Consensual Relationships Between Faculty and Students
It is against OKCI policy for students and instructors to enter into romantic and/or sexual relationships with one another while the instructor is teaching the student in a class and/or supervising the student’s work at OKCI. If, after a period of instruction or supervision, a teacher and a student begin a romantic and/or sexual relationship, they shall not be prohibited from teaching or being taught by one another, given that the instructor discloses the relationship to the Education Director prior to the beginning of the class and to the class at the first session to avoid any potential confusion.
PLEASE NOTE that even where both parties have consented at the outset to a romantic and/or sexual involvement, such consent does not preclude a subsequent charge of sexual harassment should circumstances change in the future. Further, it is possible that interaction between a teacher and their student/partner could create a hostile environment within the class and that a teacher can still commit quid pro quo harassment against a partner over whom they exert authority. The increased risk of policy violation rests primarily with the instructor, but perhaps also with the student in the event of a hostile environment complaint or other situation in which they are a participant.
Dealing with Traumatic Material in the Performance Context
Under no circumstances is any performer, student, teacher, or other member of the instruction and performance community required to power through any scenarios that may arise during improv performance that cause them emotional distress. If a scene is overwhelming, a performer or other directly involved person has just as much right as a member of an audience to take themselves to a safer space to regroup. In class, this might look like a performer returning to their seat mid scene. It might be that a performer needs a minute to themselves and they leave the classroom. It might be that a performer is unintentionally and unexpectedly presented with details on stage which cause distress. They are empowered to excuse themselves for the time required to regain their sense of calm. That might be the rest of the performance. It might be that a performer desires to move on from that topic and pivot the scene in a different direction. The method of resolving the distress is, within reason, up to the individual performer and for this reason, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to resolving this issue. All members of a performance need to support their troupe-mate by helping them navigate away from the topic or take a leave from the performance if necessary.
Classes and troupes are encouraged to come up with a way to signal that a person is needing to take a break for emotional reasons so that it doesn’t appear to the audience as an unplanned departure. They should also have a discussion at the beginning of class or before a performance to update their peers on topics that are too sensitive for them to confront during a scene. This will not solve every issue as people may occasionally forget, or get too close to the subject, or it might even be that the distressed performer did not even know that the discussion would affect them emotionally. E.g.: Sally is playing a child and the information has been added by a fellow performer that the child’s mother has died. Sally has recently experienced the loss of her mother and this is not something which she was prepared to deal with on stage. Sally might signal to her partner, perhaps waiving while saying something like “That reminds me, I forgot the (random item).” Or “Oh no! I’m late for a meeting…” and then exiting the stage. Sally is not responsible for justifying the change of subject. If the performers have an agreed upon signal, their stage partners can quickly justify the choice for her. Something like this will allow the player to return to stage if and when they are able to do so without unnecessarily disrupting the performance. Under no circumstances is Sally required to return at any point after her departure if she doesn’t feel that this is the safest option for her mental health.
Special Note on Reported Criminal Activity
If any OKCI-affiliated person is accused by anyone of criminal activity that, in the eyes of OKCI arises to a level beyond mere harassment as described above, and, in the judgment of OKCI, places in doubt the safety of OKCI’s students, performers, faculty, staff, directors, vendors or patrons, then the accused will be immediately and without investigation removed from all OKCI related activities until such time as OKCI is satisfied that the accusations are and were unfounded. Should the accused appear at any OKCI-related activities or venues following this removal, they will be considered to be a trespasser on OKCI property and OKCI will not hesitate to call authorities to remove the accused from OKCI property. This revocation of OKCI privileges will not be influenced by the failure of authorities to investigate or charge the accused with a crime. The reinstatement of the accused to any OKCI-related activity or venue will be at the sole discretion of OKCI.
The Goal
The goal of OKCI’s complaint reporting procedure is to provide a documented communication pathway to address issues in a production or within an organization. The CRP seeks to inform participants what to do and who to address with serious issues, and dispel the fear of reprisal for reporting issues of safety, harassment, or other serious concerns.
The Standard
The Complaint Reporting Procedure should be printed and distributed to all participants and discussed on the first day of class. It should also be distributed electronically with initial contacts made with students prior to classes. Teachers should acknowledge receipt and understanding of the sexual harassment policy at the beginning of each term. They are responsible for keeping up with changes in the policy from term to terms.
What is The Complaint Reporting Procedure?
The CRP provides names and contact information for members of the organization and production who have agreed to be responsive to reported issues and work to resolve them. It consists of:
• A written, clear, and transparently shared list of procedures for addressing a concern; • A written, clear, and transparently shared list of persons with whom the concern should be addressed;
• A commitment to give reported concerns priority and a reasonable timeline for resolution.
Level One
- We recognize that many concerns can be resolved through conversation with the parties involved. Whenever someone feels safe doing so, a frank conversation may be all that is needed to resolve the issue. Sharing and hearing concerns with openness and respect can prevent situations from escalating further. OKCI encourages all community members to be open to receiving challenging feedback.
- An aggrieved person may request that a neutral party (Ideally their classroom teacher or a member of the Misconduct Subcommittee) help facilitate the conversation or to be there to provide support.
- A PERSON REPORTING A COMPLAINT IS NOT REQUIRED TO COMPLETE LEVEL ONE if they believe that the circumstances are not appropriate. No one is required to confront someone about a situation or action that makes them feel unsafe or is deeply offensive to them. Anyone who wishes to do so may move directly to Level Two. This option is here as a reminder that, occasionally, for minor transgressions, a party may be comfortable talking it out rather than instigating a formal proceeding. If this is what someone feels that they need to move past the issue, they may certainly try this step first.
Level Two
- The following participants should be trained on receiving a complaint and should be able to execute the complaint receipt procedure and maintain confidentiality regarding the complaint:
*Classroom Teachers,
*Staff, Directors, and Coordinators, and
*Members of the board of directors.
Parties who are in a position to receive complaints must
- Become familiar with the OKCI policies and any related procedures,
- Help familiarize others with OKCI policies and procedures,
- Provide contact information and availability for consultation outside of rehearsal/performance space/hours,
- Receive complaints confidentially and keep details revealed while receiving the complaint confidential,
- Report concerns, both their own and those reported by fellow participants, using the complaint procedure,
- Direct people needing to file a complaint to the appropriate online complaint form,
- Commit with integrity and empathy to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of participants and discourage efforts (intentional or otherwise) to use the OKCI complaint process to divide or create an atmosphere of “heroes and villains,”
- Understand that their role is not to solve problems or act in a judiciary role, but serve as a confidential reporting channel and liaison, and
- Understand that their role is one of service, and not a position of power or status.
Once a complaint is submitted
- It will be sent to the Misconduct Subcommittee Chair for investigation by the Misconduct Subcommittee who will then submit a report with all evidence to the board of directors for a vote on disciplinary action and storage of the
complaint, report and all evidence in the secure digital personnel files maintained by the board.
• The OKCI Misconduct Policies and complaint procedures should be verbally explained and provided in writing at the first rehearsal (digitally and/or in print). It should include the name, title, and contact information for every individual to which a student or performer may report (their instructor, the education director, all other staff and directors, and the board of directors)
• The OKCI misconduct policy and complaint reporting procedures should be made available online for OKCI staff and board members, instructors, students, and performers to reference as necessary.
• Participants should be encouraged to report their concerns in writing for recordkeeping purposes. If the report is not made in writing, a member of the misconduct policy subcommittee will assist them in filling out the complaint form during their interview of the person bringing the complaint.
• The board of directors should maintain personnel files, which should include reported concerns. Such files are to be kept confidential and accessible only to the individual(s) responsible for maintaining the files.
Legal Remedies
• In the event of civil or criminal misconduct or liability, OKCI Misconduct policy and related procedures are not a replacement for legal advice or action, nor does it stand instead of any local, state or federal law. OKCI will report all accusations of criminal activities which occur on OKCI premises or at an OKCI-related offense to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
Implementation Notes
• Students should be provided an electronic copy of the policy with the initial materials provided by the Education Director prior to the start of classes. Teachers shall pass out a printed copy and receive signed receipt documentation from each student.
• Performers performing with OKCI troupes shall be required to acknowledge understanding of OKCI Policies and Procedures once per each successful audition for an OKCI troupe.
• Each performer involved in a non OKCI troupe that submits to be considered for performances at the OKCI theater shall indicate that they have received and understand the OKCI Policies and Procedures and agree that they will be bound by them during their time on OKCI premises or at OKCI-related events.
• Teachers must acknowledge receipt and understanding of the OKCI Policies and Procedures at the beginning of each term, prior to the start of classes.
• Instructors not affiliated with the OKCI teaching program must acknowledge understanding and receipt of OKCI Policies and Procedures before any agreement to host them at OKCI is finalized.
• OKCI’s Policies and Procedures are designed to help create communication pathways to prevent and resolve issues, not create divisions. To that end, nothing in the OKCI Policies and Procedures encourages firing or marginalizing participants for mistakes, a momentary loss of temper, an argument (whether artistic or personal), a single unintentional injury, etc. The OKCI Policies and Procedures are designed to provide pathways to respond to events, behavior, and conditions that create reasonably understood unsafe conditions, not uncomfortable situations.
• All individuals who are charged with receiving complaints should understand their role in resolving concerns, the process for recording concerns, and the process for reporting those concerns to others on the path.
• Following an investigation, the OKCI will take such action that it deems necessary or appropriate under the circumstances –
• No Violation. In the event that the investigation discloses insufficient grounds or basis to substantiate a violation of this Policy, all necessary parties will be so advised.
• Violation. In the event that the investigation discloses a violation of this Policy, OKCI will communicate its findings to both the complainant and the alleged offender. Based upon the totality of the circumstances, appropriate disciplinary, educational, and/or other corrective action, up to and including termination, removal of an individual from an internship, removal of an individual from a supervisory, management or directorial position at OKCI, removal of an individual from an OKCI troupe or performance, removal of an individual from a teaching position, removal of an individual from a class without refund or compensation, or revocation of a performer’s ability to perform at or attend performances at OKCI or at an OKCI-related event, will then be taken. The action taken will be reasonably calculated to prevent any further unacceptable conduct. It is within the OKCI’s discretion to determine the appropriate corrective action.
An alternative option is to fill out OKCI’s complaint form anonymously online. (OKCI) Please be advised that any anonymous complaints which do not contain sufficient information with which to conduct an investigation may be reviewed and then dismissed. We will not be able to inform the anonymous information whether their complaint was dismissed, as we will not have contact information for that individual. A record of the complaint will be kept in the personnel files kept by the Board of Directors.
In addition, members of the staff and board of directors, including classroom instructors, have an affirmative duty to report promptly to one of the Board Members designated above any forbidden harassment that they observe, that is made known to them by others, or that they reasonably suspect has occurred. They must also complete a complaint form or OKCI’s anonymous feedback form with as much information as is available. Please be advised that members of leadership who report anonymously may need to disclose their identity if they are asked during an investigation whether they witnessed the event in question. This information will be kept confidential and is just necessary to ensure that mandatory reporting has occurred.
***In case of physical emergency or criminal activity, call 911.